Monday, May 24, 2010

Don't go through the motions

I see now how true it is that we need to not be going through the motions with anything in our life. Life is too short for that in so many ways. It is way too easy to get in a rut and just do the routines. We truly do need to live each day as if it was the last.

Along with not going through the motions is making positive differences in peoples lives each day. What can I do today that is going to positively impact the people I am around, the people I interact with, even the people I might feel that I do not really like. We all deserve to be treated well. How are you doing with that? I know that it is probably a struggle for many people. I know I struggle with it. I have had a hard day and those little things get on my nerves. I want to respond in loving ways to those around me and not in angry and frustrating ways.

What do you do to not go through the motions each day? What do you do to make a positive difference in peoples lives each day?
I review for BookSneeze

Friday, May 15, 2009

It's about Passion not Perfection

It's about Passion not Perfection: I love this saying for many reasons. First of all, I would rather be passionate about something then perfect at something. Passion makes our life fulfilling. What are you passionate about? Many of us have more then one passion in our life. The key is what are we doing with that passion? Are we making a positive difference? That is something I strive for in my life: making a positive difference in peoples life--in big and small ways. I believe we are here to love and be loved among other things but I think loving each other is the most important. That can be in little and big ways as well. It's all about kindness. A little kindness goes a very long way. I have seen it in action and it makes all the difference.

More on this topic coming. Have a wonderful day and live your passion!!

Thursday, March 5, 2009


Well I just started this blog and am looking forward to it. I will have regular posts soon.

Have a great day!

If someone needs a smile, give them yours!
